
Let’s not pretend I’m always motivated, we all feel discouraged at times. With less than 4 weeks left of 2016, we’re feeling worn out. I know I am! Naturally, we’ve conditioned our minds to think that at this point of the year, slacking a little is fine because of the notion: ‘new year, new you’. Realistically, this just causes us to procrastinateIn  order to be as productive as possible in the last days of 2016, we’re going to need a lotttt of motivation.

When I’m feeling low on motivation, these things give me that extra push:

Watching a ‘Morning Routine’


The first hurdle we come across after waking up is getting out of bed. If I set my alarm for 6, I’m up for 6- no problem. The challenge, however, is getting out of my warm bed, stepping into the freezing cold and rushing to get ready. I’d rather not. But I’ve found that watching a ‘Morning Routine’ on YouTube once I’ve woken up instills a form of courage in me. Something about watching someone else conquer a task before I have to do it is motivating and it allows me to throw my duvet aside, have some breakfast and start my day.

My Pinterest Study Motivation Board


Find my board here

Girl, if you don’t know about Pinterest, get to know! In essence, the app enables you create ‘pinboards’ of any category. You can then pin  pictures on your board which keeps your ideas organized. I have a board dedicated to study pictures which again provides me with motivation to pick up my books. I clearly learn from example as many of us do, which leads us onto our next motivating strategy…

A Motivating Environment


Where do you feel the most motivated? For me, I find that an atmosphere is truly motivating when you can lift your head up, look around and have no trouble getting your head back down again. A prime example is the library at school (practically my home haha) where I find that the students are focused and there are no distractions.



Motivation is simply your reason for doing something. What will you gain from working towards your goals? If you reflect on what you’ve accomplished today alone, whether that be tidying your room or completing just one piece of homework, you’ve already made progress. It is important to reflect on what you’ve managed to achieve thus far. If you had told me 9 months ago that I would be doing Physics A Level, I would have laughed in your face. Literally. But here I am today by God’s grace, doing just that.  This  motivates me to exceed my own expectations once again. Reward yourself for every small victory and your biggest reward will come at the end.


When you feel like you can’t, what reminds you that you can?

Feel free to share this post with your friends!

Quote of the day:

‘Do not conform to the pattern of this world.’

-Romans 12:2



25 thoughts on “Motivation

  1. GirlsMyAge says:

    They are so motivating! You’re right, sometimes a short burst of motivation isnt enough but when you continuosly do things like reading your motivation board and rewarding yourself for small achievements, you can feel motivated for much longer. Thank you for reading💜💜


    • GirlsMyAge says:

      Thank you so much Viola💜 Your name is beautiful, where is it from?! Girl you’re giving me motivation! What are you doing at uni? I know, I really want to enjoy my holiday and get enough study done too Xo

      Liked by 1 person

  2. GirlsMyAge says:

    Wow, so your parents like Literature then?! Yes girl, well done for getting there! That’s absolutely amazing. I really hope you get it done, I’m off to snoop around your blog now haha X


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